About Us

We founded ExTox Gasmess-Systeme GmbH in Dortmund in 2004. Due to rapid growth right from the early days the number of collaborators grew constantly, and this is why we moved to bigger and more comfortable installations in nearby Unna.

We plan and manufacture Gas Measurement Systems and develop the necessary electronic components as well as software or housings by ourselves. We sell our products all over the world, and we provide after-sales service such as the initial start-up, maintenance or repairs in Germany as well as in other countries.
It is part of other concept that we do not want to imitate others. We think that in ExTox we developed a unique concept to work together as a team, and we appreciate it that other companies are organized in a very different way. We grow in our market because all our collaborators strive to think outside the box. Many visitors tell us that they never before saw a company like ours – and we take it as a huge compliment!
We are aiming for a very laid-back and relaxed atmosphere during work, with plenty of time for a talk and a coffee, or for a game of table football or pool. These short breaks provide ample possibilities to co-ordinate our efforts and to find solutions to any kind of problems, and afterwards we find it easier to refocus on the job at hand.
Family is central to us. Everyone is free to bring along children or parents, and Family Friendliness is our core value. ExTox is happy to play second fiddle after every collaborator’s own family, and when planning and structuring the company we take everybody’s particular situation into account.
For us it is natural to harmonize everybody’s family life with his working days. That features in our DNA, and having little kids playing in the office is certainly a pleasure, and not a burden. It is unquestionable that this policy leads to happy and motivated collaborators. Everyone identifies strongly with the company, and a lifelong working relationship is the logical result. There is no “Fluctuation“ at ExTox!
The collaborator and his family are at the core of our philosophy. Sure, we like our company to do well, but not for itself: we understand that without a profit we would not be able to care for our families and to meet their basic needs. This insight leads to our ExTox atmosphere in which everybody is valued as important and as an individual. We take special pride in our recent success stories when it comes to trusting collaborators who had struggled before on the marketplace. We see that our philosophy brings out the best in everybody!
This makes it easy for the management and for every collaborator to trust each other: by identifying strongly with ExTox, everybody feels like - and in effect is – a co-owner of the whole company. There are no secrets in our company, and during a brief talk everybody is expected to bring in his own take on any kind of situation. And obviously ExTox stands to gain a lot from that.
                                                                                          Year 2015
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