There are multiple tasks which need to be fulfilled when monitoring gases and vapours. The range covers the opportune warning before it comes to the release of flammable substances,monitoring of concentrations of toxic gases at working places as well as controlling of production processes. Due to modern sensor technique the ExTox-Transmitter of the Serie Sens(-I) offer excellent solutions for nearly all thinkable applications. You find our wide range of measuring gas and corresponding measuring ranges in the ExTox Gas and Transmitter List.
▪ Transmitter for flammable gases, toxic gases or oxygen
▪ 4…20 mA-output with linear curve
▪ For industrial and commercial applications
Measured Gas: ExTox Gas and Transmitter List
Measuring Range: ExTox Gas and Transmitter List. On demand the standard measuring range can factory sided be diversified in range 50 to 200 %. Bigger deviations if applicable on demand.
Measuring Principles:
▪ ExSens …-WT: Catalytic Combustion
▪ ExSens …-IR: Absorption
▪ ExSens …-EC: Electrochemical Cell
▪ ExSens …-KE: Electrochemical Oxygen Cell
▪ ExSens …-HL: Metal oxide-semiconductor
Operation Mode: Diffusion (Operation with aspirated flow possible, e. g. in ExTox IMC)
Setting Time: ExTox Gas and Transmitter List
Range of Application
Temperature: ExTox Gas and Transmitter List
Humidity: 10 r. H to 90 r. H (please avoid condensation)
Pressure: 800 hPa bis 1100 hPa
▪ Changes on climatic conditions can be done with the usual rate for atmospheric deviations. Very quick changes, such as for example shock pressures, can cause bigger measuring deviations for short time.
▪ Extension of climatic ranges is in particular cases possible acc. to prior agreement with ExTox.
▪ 2014/30/EU (EMC)
▪ only Sens …-EC/-KE: 2014/34/EU (ATEX) CE Ex II 3G (suitable for Zone 2)
Protection: Ex nA IIC T6 X Gc (only Sens …-EC/-KE)
Measuring Functions:
▪ designed acc. to
→ DIN EN 60079-29-1 (flammable gases)
→ DIN EN 45544-1 to DIN EN 45544-3 (toxic gases)
→ DIN EN 50104 (oxygen)
▪ Sens …-HL: Restrictions due to measuring principle exist as far as requirements of standards regarding linearity are concerned and on climatic influences. This has to be considered for designing alarm concept.
Mechanical Features
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height):
▪ Sens …-WT/-IR/-EC/-HL: 138 mm x 105 mm x 65 mm
▪ Sens …-KE: 188 mm x 105 mm x 65 mm
Weight: approx. 0,5 kg
Material: Cast aluminium (lacquered) / Stainless steel
Enclosure Rating: IP 65 (except gas inlet)
▪ Wall mounting
▪ Installation on ceiling by means of angle (as option)
▪ Installation in pipes by means of adapter (as option)
▪Installation in suction systems, e. g. ExTox IMC, by means of flow through adapter (as option)
Storage Temperature: -25 °C to +60 °C
Electrical Features
Power Supply: 24 ± 6 V DC
Power Consumption:
▪ Sens …-WT/-IR/-HL: 80 mA / 2 W
▪ Sens …-EC/-KE: 40 mA / 1 W
▪ 4…20 mA, active (other current and voltage ranges on demand)
▪ linear calibration curve
▪ Option: RS 485 for remote adjustment (Type Sens-I)
Max. Load: 500 Ω
Cable Gland: M 16 x 1.5 (diameter of cable 5 to 9 mm)
Line: ExTox-Cable 3 x 0.8 mm or similar (Sens-I: ExTox-Cable 6 x 0.8 mm or similar)
Line Length: Depending on resistance of used cable; when using ExTox-Cable (wire resistance of 9 Ω/km)
▪ Sens …-WT/-IR/-HL: maximum 1000 m
▪ Sens …-EC/-KE: maximum 2000 m
(Subject to Technical Changes)
All control units of the ET-Series could be used in combination with all ExTox Transmitters ExSens(-I) and Sens(-I).
Due to their modular construction accessories and spareDue to their modular construction accessories and spareparts are mutually extensively interchangeable, which facilitates and enables installation, adjustmentand maintenance at low cost.
The transmitters issue the measuring signal via a 4-20 mA-output with linear curve. The typesThe transmitters issue the measuring signal via a 4-20 mA-output with linear curve. The typesExSens-I and Sens-I also dispose of a digital RS-485 communication interface. This offers thepossibility of an automatic single man calibration of these transmitters as well as furthercomfortable functions for configuration and monitoring of the sensor functionality.
Here you can download detailed information about our products, applications and systems.